maintaining a routine maintenance schedule for glove boxes is vital for their proper functioning and longevity. Regular cleaning, leak testing, monitoring, calibration, and proper inventory management contribute to a clean and controlled environment inside the glove box. Adhering to these maintenance practices ensures the integrity of sensitive processes conducted within the glove box and prevents contamination. Always refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines and instructions for specific maintenance requirements for your glove box model.

1、Before and after each work, first of all, the environment is cleaned, so that the ground is dry and clean. And then clean the equipment, including the glove box inside, outside surface, observation system, work table surface, etc. to be free of debris, clean.

2、Inventory Management: Proper inventory management is crucial to prevent the accumulation of unnecessary items inside the glove box. Regularly review and remove any expired or unneeded materials from the glove box. This practice helps to maintain cleanliness and avoid potential contamination.

3、Visual Inspection: Visually inspect the glove box for any visible signs of damage, such as cracks, leaks, or loose fittings. Check the integrity of the gloves and replace any damaged or worn-out gloves.

4、Before removing the samples from the glove box, the switch on the transition chamber should be turned to the “vacuum” position to extract the air from the chamber, and then turned to “fill”, so that the dry and clean gas from the glove box into the transition chamber, repeat, After the second time, you can open the door of the transition chamber from the glove box and take out the samples

5、 Pressure Testing: Perform a pressure test to detect any leaks in the glove box. Close all openings and valves and pressurize the glove box using an inert gas, such as nitrogen. Monitor the pressure over a specific duration and ensure that there is no significant drop in pressure. If a drop in pressure is observed, locate and repair the leak before further use.

6、Check whether the gloves are broken or not, especially on the fingertips. When working, please wear cloth gloves to avoid water vapor inside the gloves. In addition, please point out the five finger grips on each glove after work to prevent sweat from sticking the finger grips after a long period of time. Note: Replace the gloves immediately when they are found to be torn, and any repair of the gloves is prohibited

7、Accessories according to the maintenance instructions of the accessories, such as: vacuum pump. According to the third party maintenance instructions

8、Visual Inspection: Visually inspect the glove box for any visible signs of damage, such as cracks, leaks, or loose fittings. Check the integrity of the gloves and replace any damaged or worn-out gloves.

9、 Pressure Testing: Perform a pressure test to detect any leaks in the glove box. Close all openings and valves and pressurize the glove box using an inert gas, such as nitrogen. Monitor the pressure over a specific duration and ensure that there is no significant drop in pressure. If a drop in pressure is observed, locate and repair the leak before further use.