The glove box commonly used in the industry. The H2O and O2 removal function of the glove box is achieved by the purification material, and the purification material needs to regenerate its activity after regeneration and saturation, so that it has the function of H2O and O2 removal again. At present, some manufacturers in the industry have frequent reduction and cleaning of products. In addition to the regeneration process problems of sealing and purification materials, there are unreasonable structural design of the purification columns, unscientific design of the aspect ratio, and unscientific flow control of the reducing gas flow. Factors such as incomplete regeneration every time.

Therefore, to seek an excellent glove box purification and regeneration system to make the purification material in the regeneration process more uniform heating, more complete reduction, and improve the efficiency of the purification and regeneration system is an urgent problem for the whole industry.

In order to overcome the above-mentioned difficulties, a glove box with a purification system is provided, which has a good purification and regeneration effect and a high utilization rate of purification materials. According to the difference in the consumption of reducing gas at different stages of the Etelux gas purification glove box, the PLC program automatically control time and adjust gas flow to achieve automatic control of reducing gas flow. The glove box gas purification system improves the utilization of purification materials, increases the number of times the glove box is cleaned, and reduces the frequency of reduction of the purification column.

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