Nuclear Purification Protective Glove Box

With the rapid development of nuclear industry and nuclear technology, various sectors of the national economy have continuously introduced a variety of radioisotope products, ray instruments and radiation technologies, and have played an increasingly important role in scientific research and production and medical applications. When operating radioactive materials with strong radiation, in order to prevent the spread of radioactive pollution and ensure the safety of the operator and the surrounding environment, it is necessary to operate in a specially designed vacuum glove box. The designed glove box has the ability to effectively shield the radiation of radioactive materials and the ability to radiate radioactive gases generated during the operation of radioactive materials. The sealing performance of the glove box and the filtering performance of ventilation and exhaust should be good,…

The glove box main antechamber is generally an enlarged part

Put the items outside into the glove box

  1. Close the main antechamber door in the glove box
  2. Open the door outside the main antechamber
  3. Put items
  4. Close the door outside the main antechamber
  5. Pump down to -1.0 (press the green button in the lower right corner of the warehouse if you want to pump down, press and hold it.)
  6. Release nitrogen to 0 (Press the orange button in the lower right corner of the main antechamber to release nitrogen and press it to release it.)
  7. Open the main antechamber door in the glove box to take out the items

Take the items of the glove box out

  1. Close the two doors of main antechamber
  2. Pump down to -1.0 (press the green button in the lower left corner of main antechamber if you want to pump down, press it and don’t release it.)
  3. Release nitrogen to 0 (Press the orange button in the lower left corner of the main antechamber to release nitrogen and press it to release it.)
  4. Open the door inside the main antechamber and put the items into the main antechamber
  5. Close the door inside the main antechamber
  6. Open the door outside the main antechamber to take out the items.

Close the door outside the main antec