When special components such as semiconductor devices, integrated circuits, and optoelectronic devices are subjected to laser welding and packaging operations, the welding materials are exposed to the air and are particularly susceptible to oxidation under high temperature conditions, resulting in welding defects such as porosity, slag inclusions, cracks, and low welding strength. , Leading to soaring failure rates such as poor airtightness, low strength and impact resistance of the device, especially the impact resistance defect will cause damage to the device flying in the high Mach, causing major safety accidents and property losses. At present, the domestic market urgently needs a The laser welding packaging device that can be used under vacuum conditions or under special atmosphere protection conditions has a good man-machine environment and flexible equipment to meet the needs of high-end devices, especially special devices for high-speed aerospace vehicles.

Etelux provides a laser welding glove box based on atmospheric protection. To solve the effects of air humidity and air impurities in laser welding, the glove box has two 90-degree square cabins, and the left side is a heating cabin. On the right is the transitional cabin. The maximum temperature of the heating cabin is 200°C. The heating plate can be cooled rapidly at the same time. The outside of the square cabin door is a manual door. The inner door is an automatic door. The inner and outer doors are interlocked. Connect the purification system. Its characteristics are as follows: 1. Low leakage, low water and oxygen content in the box, stable overall equipment performance, and true and reliable water and oxygen detection.